Thursday, September 12, 2013

Room 1 Fair

Andrea, Finn and Logan did a wonderful job on the candyfloss machine making 116 in total!

Louis and Liam did a great job on the "Guess the Lollies in the Jar". Amazing that Mrs Hawker and Miss Patterson both unknowingly guessed the winning amount! I wonder if they will share them with the class at the end of term??

Lilly and Zhemera raised a lot of money with "Stick in the Sand" it was very popular>

Throw the sponge was a popular activity with children and teachers!!
Finn and Aaron helping the young shoppers spend their money.

Mr Mitchell drinking his slushy and proud of his soft toy purchase.
Room 1 purchasing some baking before the fair starts.

The fun part, counting the money. $737 profit. What a lot of money to spend for the Operation Christmas Child  boxes.

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