Tuesday, September 3, 2013

Chris Cattaway Talks to Us About Humanitarian Aid

Chris Cattaway, Finn's father, came to talk to us about his role in helping others. He works in emergency response and told us about how he helps people when there has been a disaster. He said we are all born with similar needs and brains but then it is about what happens to us. He told us half of the worlds population live in poverty. We need to try and break that cycle. He helped in Myanmar ( Burma) after they had a big tidal surge that wiped out the rice paddies and 90% of all houses. He had to help them rebuild. Chris told us it is important ask people what they need, not tell them, because different things are important to different people. However all people need warmth, water, shelter, food, and jobs. He is overseas again now and hoping to speak to us when he returns.

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