Thursday, September 12, 2013

Jump Rope for Heart

After a lot of practice the day had arrived!

We enjoyed showing parents our new skills.

It was fun being in our groups.

We got sponsors and raised money. We also helped our hearts by increasing our heart rates and getting fit!

Odd Shoe Day

Friday 13th September was Odd Shoe Day at Macandrew Bay School.

We put coins on a shoe and raised money for Camp Quality.

Room 1 Fair

Andrea, Finn and Logan did a wonderful job on the candyfloss machine making 116 in total!

Louis and Liam did a great job on the "Guess the Lollies in the Jar". Amazing that Mrs Hawker and Miss Patterson both unknowingly guessed the winning amount! I wonder if they will share them with the class at the end of term??

Lilly and Zhemera raised a lot of money with "Stick in the Sand" it was very popular>

Throw the sponge was a popular activity with children and teachers!!
Finn and Aaron helping the young shoppers spend their money.

Mr Mitchell drinking his slushy and proud of his soft toy purchase.
Room 1 purchasing some baking before the fair starts.

The fun part, counting the money. $737 profit. What a lot of money to spend for the Operation Christmas Child  boxes.

Healthy Heart Award

The amazing Room 1 members of our health team receiving the renewal of our Healthy Heart Award

Macandrew Bay 2013 Winners of the Toroa Award

We were thrilled to be one of three finalists in the Toroa Conservation Awards. The award was for our Term 1 topic helping our oceans and waterways to survive and thrive.We were even more thrilled to win. The school won $500 and a ranger for the day.

The Macandrew Bay children who went to the ceremony at the Art Gallery with Kate, a pst pupil who was also a nominee for the award.

Stars On Stage 2013

 In our dressing rooms! We were very nervous before we went on stage but had to be really quiet because children from other schools were performing.
Ella made a great job of introducing our dance.

 Our Term 1 topic, helping our oceans and waterways to survive and thrive, inspired our dance for Stars on Stage 2013.
Victoria did a great job with the choreography.

We looked great with the back drop of Otago Harbour in the background.

The sea weed and creatures were flabbergasted
as swimmers disturbed the peace, and sadly even dropped litter.
The marine creatures did their best to avoid getting caught but in the end they need people to take responsibility and keep the beach clean so all life can enjoy the beautiful pristine environment.

Wednesday, September 4, 2013

Numberworks O'Mathalon

Here are some of our Y5 and Y6 children who took part in the 2013 Numberworks O'Mathalon. Great work guys I know you had fun!

Tuesday, September 3, 2013


We were really lucky to have NHL player Paige come to our school to teach us hockey skills. We also got some cool gear.
Trying out our new skills!

Chris Cattaway Talks to Us About Humanitarian Aid

Chris Cattaway, Finn's father, came to talk to us about his role in helping others. He works in emergency response and told us about how he helps people when there has been a disaster. He said we are all born with similar needs and brains but then it is about what happens to us. He told us half of the worlds population live in poverty. We need to try and break that cycle. He helped in Myanmar ( Burma) after they had a big tidal surge that wiped out the rice paddies and 90% of all houses. He had to help them rebuild. Chris told us it is important ask people what they need, not tell them, because different things are important to different people. However all people need warmth, water, shelter, food, and jobs. He is overseas again now and hoping to speak to us when he returns.

World Vision

Ben from World Vision came to our assembly and congratulated us on the money we raised for World Vision for the 40 hour Famine

We were amazed and excited to find out that Macandrew Bay School raised $1255.60

Well done to everyone who helped make a difference to the lives of other people.

Science Experiments

In Room 1 we tried a chemistry experiment. We put baking soda into a plastic bottle  

We then put in vinegar and quickly put a balloon over the top. The gas filled the bottle and blew up the balloon!

Monday, June 17, 2013

Gym Festival

On Tuesday 11th June Year 5 and 6 children joined other schools from the Peninsula Cluster to take part in a gym festival. It was held at the Bayfield High School gymnasium. Everyone had a great time and enjoyed the activities. We had been practising for a few weeks and we enjoyed performing our routines and mixing with children from other schools. Thanks to Andersons Bay School for organising this event and to Bayfield High School students for helping with the activities.

Wednesday, June 5, 2013

Mat Caird Talks To Us About Volume and How Builders and Designers Use It.

Mat Caird (Ella's dad)came to teach us about volume and how it is needed in buildingjobs.In the first lesson he talked to us about how much concrete was in the slab outside and underneath Room 7.The method we used for this was width x height x length. Next he talked us about how to figure out the volume of a rounded object. We pretended that the box was rectangle and we figured out how much the corners volume was and took it away at the end. We really appreciated Mat coming and sharing his maths knowledge with us.We can see Maths needs to be used in most jobs we might have in the future. By Emmy, Tessa and Emma

Thursday, May 23, 2013

Orokonui Ecosanctury Visit

The bus inched up another steep hill. A wooden sign with the writing Orokonui Ecosanctuary started to show through the thick, grey mist.My tummy started to churn as we slowly went down the gravelly road toward the only ecosanctuary in the South Island. All 107 Macandrew Bay senior students scrambled off the bus to be greeted by Tahu and her staff. As we entered the warm, cosy room Tahu told us to grab a snack from our lunch boxes. We watched a short clip about the history of our native wildlife, their predators and why the ecosanctuary was created. After a brainstorm about New Zealand birds and animals, Tahu complimented us on our knowledge. Our leaders were introduced to us and we got into eight numbered groups. Luckily our teachers numbered our hands in case we forgot which group we were in. Excited chatter could be heard as we made our way into the misty blanket that shrouded the treetops.