Sunday, May 12, 2013

Our Health Team Encourage Us to Stay Bug Free

The sneeze safe website

Some members of the health team, Lachie, billy, Aaron, Tessa, Morgan and Ella talked in our Mondays values assembly about washing our hands to keep us healthy over winter. We showed a u tube clip, operation sneeze to the school and then gave each class some posters to put in the classrooms and toilets.
Washing hands  and drying hands after going to the toilet, sneezing and before you eat is the best way to stop your germ going to someone else!
Check out this link to watch the movie


  1. I realy like being part of the helth team

    1. I agree Tessa,it's really fun being on the health team.
      I'm happy we joined!!!

  2. love them good ideas Morgan Tessa and Ella
