Monday, February 18, 2013

Kelly Sports

""> We had lots of fun today with the amazing Kelly Sports. AJ and Tessa set up 5 really fun physical activities.The best ones were tennis ball bowling and basketball bouncing. If you want to join AJ and Tessa go to the Kelly Sports website. by Liam and Libby:-)

Monday, February 11, 2013

PALS Programme

Kerry from Sport Otago came to talk to us about the PALS programme ( Physical Activities Leaders)She is hoping to train some of us to be PALS in our school.To be a PAL you will be responsible for running games and team building activities during school break times. The qualities you need are to be reliable and organised, friendly and help others, have a love of sport or physical activity, be mature, be responsible and trustworthy and a fair player with a positive and encouraging attitude.

Beach Clean Up

On Friday 8th February our whole school went down to Macandrew Bay beach to pick up rubbish.